Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Getting Ready to Head Home

Dearest Friends,

What a great trip this has been.

We just said good bye to all the sweet Mexican people in Jason and Nicole's village. It was a very tearful goodbye as they have all become like family to us. I cried as I hugged each one and when I got to the 72 year old grandmother I said "adios"to which she quickly responded, "No, no, amiga, 'adios'...hasta luego...estes hasta luego!" She was telling me, "This is not 'good-bye' it is 'see you later'." This made me cry even more as I hugged her neck good-bye.

After hugging each one and saying good-bye we climbed into the back of the big blue work truck with all our many suitcases and computer backpacks and headed out to the town of Hachunago about an hour away. The truck has long wooden bench seats down the sides and bars to hold onto in the back. It is a beautiful day outside so riding in the back of the truck was actually very pleasant.

As we drove down the road past the incredible mountains and lush green hills I reflected alot on our trip. Being around Jason and Nicole and staying in their village has been a life changing event. The needs of the poor here are unbelievable and Jason and Nicole are working to help them 24/7. Their giving is endless. For example, Nicole could not ride with us to the bus station because she had to rush into Hachunago early this morning to check on a woman whose intenstines had ruptured and leaked out fluids into her gut. She would have died if Nicole had not gotten her to the doctor and then the hospital in time. Her organs were shutting down like Magdala's did.

Nicole had taken her to the hospital yesterday and waited all day long for a doctor to attend to them. Because it is "Christmas" time there is only one doctor on staff to served a ton of sick people. The doctor finally came and turned out to be very "racist" against the "Mexican Indians" and "Americans". He put Nicole through the ringer before he even began to offer any kind of help.

Nicole called her dear friend who is a doctor in another town to 'help'. His name is Dr Morales and he immediately sent his highest medical assistant to go to the hospital. She arrived and went into the doctor's offices in the back and found all the nurses and the doctor drinking beer and watching TV. This was totally infuriating to her so she "gave them a piece of her mind". This brought about the immediate help that this dear sick sister needed so badly.

Nicole was told they were gonna operate on her this morning at 10 but thanks to Dr Morales and God they ended up doing the surgery at 3 am this morning because she was about to die. They washed her out and then did another surgery later on and took out her very swollen apendix and gall baldder. She is doing much, much better , praise God!

We are now sitting at a nice restaurant . Nicole met us here with Dossie who went with her to the hospital this morning. The bus we were gonna ride to the border on is full so we are going to try and catch a different bus that leaves at 7:30 tonight. It will mean switching buses in the middle of night but we are grateful that there is even a bus to catch.

I love you all and will try and e mail you one more time before I get home if I can. Thanks for all your prayers. Please continue to pray that there is no problems on our trip home etc...We are leaving sweet, dear Aubrey here with Jason and Nicole. She wants to stay and serve along side of them. She has been such a hard worker and has been a blessing in every way. Please keep her in your prayers as well.

Thanks so much!

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