Sunday, December 12, 2010

We May Not Have It All Together but Together WE HAVE IT ALL!!!

Dearest Family,
We began this day at 4:15 am awakening to the sound of Dossie's phone alarm. Then we were off to the border by 5 am. We picked up Jason about a half mile down the road where he was staying with friends and off we went with high hopes of getting to go into Mexico today.

But, alas, at this moment it is not happening. Our first attempt to get into Mexico failed so 6 of us are sitting at the McDonald's just 3 miles from the border while Jason and Asher have gone back to the border to try again by going to the "second bridge" where they will talk to the "higher ups" about letting us in. Of course, we know who the "Highest Higer Up" is and we are asking him to soften the hearts and rules of the "lower higher ups" so we can go across the border. Please continue to pray that that would happen for us.

Because Asher does not have his original title or resgistration with him prooving that he owns his van we are not being allowed to take the van across the border. Also the trailer belongs to our beloved Zemar who sent everything but the kitchen sink in paper work with Asher, but this also is "not good enough" unfortunetly. May our Father intervene or show us what we are to do. We are waiting and trusting in Him for what to do next.

One of the biggest heart breaks of all happened to Jason. Just before we went to the border we turned our American cash into Mexican pesos. Many of you gave money for us to take to Jason and once it was all counted it came to $1600.00. Jason was so grateful and thankful. He tucked all the peso tightly into his Mexican shoulder bag so as not to lose any of the money.

I loved the Mexican bag that Jason had and commented to Dossie about it later while we were at the border filling out paper work. She looked over at Jason and said, "What bag?" I thought he might have left his "purse" in the van but 60 seconds later Jason suddenly bolted out the door like he was chasing after someone. When he came back in his face was ashen white and his eyes were filled with pain. It was then we learned the devastating news. "I lost all the money you just gave me!" he said with tears in his eyes. "I left my bag in the bathroom and when I realized it I ran back to get it and a man was going through it." "The guards searced the man and said they found nothing on him so they let him go." "I feel so awful about this...this has NEVER happened to me before." "I am soooo, soooo, soooo sorry." Then with his eyes brimming with tears he turned and said, "I am so mad at is gonna take me awhile to get ok again,....I am sorry."

We were all sad of course but tried over and over again to reassure him that it was God's money not ours but it was to no avail. He was a mess and so we all silently prayed for him. There was nothing left to do but to turn around and go back to "the states" so we did a big U turn into traffic that lined the streets for miles. After about 20 minutes we reached the border exit and were told to get out of the van so they could briefly look it over. The border guards were very nice and we took the opportunity to go to the "banyo". Just before we got back into the van I heard the voice of the Lady Border guard call out to me: "Mamm...did you drop this?" She was holding my camera, was I ever grateful because it was "not" my camera it was my friend Pat's camera from Pat's Cafe. I thanked her profusely and thanked God for this honest, dear lady.

After leaving the border we stopped the car at the first convience store and Asher said, "Maybe we could pray." "I would like all of us to pray...not just me." So one by one we thanked God for His goodness and mercy to us in bringing us down there and one by one we thanked God for Jason and all he does. Eric prayed for God's comfort on Jason and placed his hand on Jason as he prayed. Tears rolled down Jason's cheeks as he silently sat with his hands covering his face. At the end Asher...choking back tears said, "I believe God has spoken to me and said 'He wants us to get good at this!'" He then thanked God for His will and prayed with tears, for Jason. He also asked that God would change the hearts of the people and allow us to go across the border because we believe that He wants us to go to Mexico to bless His people there. It was very powerful and strong and beautiful. Peace filled our hearts and gratefulness too along with great unity and purpose.

Thank you all so much for your prayers. I do not know if this is the devil keeping us out or what is happening. All I know is that we may not have it all together but TOGETHER we have it all!!!

I love you!


  1. Dear family,

    God will have all the glory through it all. We are praying for you. Thank you for the posting. We love you! I hope you play the guitar and bring everyone singing and praising God for all that He is doing. You have always been able to bring God down for me.


  2. Thank you for posting. Praying for all of you.

  3. Mala, I love you very much and we all know that the enemy doesn't want any of you there because of how strong you all are in God with His people backing you up. Be strong and courageous and know that He's with you! Love, Chavvah

  4. God has his reasons! I know we don't know his purpose yet, but I'm sure he WILL provide! He always does. Tell Jason I love and miss him alot. I am glad all of you get to be with him.
